The Friday Five: "Getting Your Mind off the Cold" Edition

Sunny season, heated months, warm days; all synonyms for the time I long for most, summer. This summer, for me, will be packed. To-do lists are running into the margins, seeing that we all must jam our most exhilarating plans into a three-month time frame. Here's to making the sun-soaked weeks of 2015 the highest quality, foremost, and ultimate weeks yet. Below are some photographs to add to that summer bucket list of yours, and, optimistically, distract you from the current chill.

1. Camp, or Glamp, Out (Whichever You Prefer.)

2. Watermelon For Days

3. Activities Aplenty

4. Styles Beyond Compare

5. Backyard Movie Night (I'm Down!!)

So power through these remaining cold weeks, in anticipation for warmth and fun-filled extravaganzas!!!

Thanks for reading,

Hollis :-)


All pictures are from Pinterest.